Welcome to my blog!

I wish and hope that scrolling through the different topics here, you will be able to find something useful, inspiring ,or just something that relaxes you! I will share here stories from my experiences as a professional ballet dancer, healthy tips , stories about people that inspired me, talking about dance and art related topics while leaving you space for questions, reflections or messages which may come to you and would like to share with me. Have a go and enjoy!



Paris. A word with millions of significations for each individual. I have been wanting to go there for many years now. My first visit to Paris was many years ago on a tour, and I remember I only had couple of hours to view the city. As photo lover that I am, I remember I took some nice photos for memories. Unfortunately, the luck did not meet me that day, therefore due to a technical error of my camera, I lost all of them. But I knew I would come back not just for this reason, but for more.  On...

Summer Camp 2023

Summer Camp 2023

Starting from today I will be teaching floor barre technique at Ballet Summer Camp. Floor barre represents a useful tool...

Teacher at Casa de Balet

Teacher at Casa de Balet

Happy to announce that starting with this school year 2023/2024 I will be teaching a series of programmes ta Casa...

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