When it comes to sport games and especially football, my sister Alice is the one that holds a big passion for them.
I have always enjoyed watching a good game. So far, the big majority from home at tv. But I had some nice opportunities to witness some of them live at handball, tennis and football.
I went first time on a football stadium 2, 3 years ago at my sister’s invitation. I was on a holiday from work and as usual, I came home. It was late spring and not so warm outside. I will admit that I was not very keen on getting on a stadium, but I went for her. I remember I dressed in one of my favourite jackets, a long green flowery one, that looked pretty much like a duve. You know, at least to look good if nothing else was appealing to me.
Alice was very excited and not at her first visit on a football stadium.
As soon as the game started, a huge wave of energy exploded. People begun cheering, some yelling, and others swearing and expressing themselves in many…colourful ways. Back then I remember, I was not so impressed by the atmosphere, and I got defensive when I heard men yelling to the players things as: “Oh man you could have done it better!”.
As a woman and a performer my mind went straight to the thought “Could you have done it better?”. Alice was laughing on me and said that this is how football was. And this is how it is to be a football fan. I left home in the mood:” Whatever. Not my jam.” Still some weeks later, after I gave it some time, I realised that what I took with me from the game was that big big energy , or the feeling it gave me. I liked it.
Last summer, my sister offered me another invitation to a local football game. I stayed for the first part and things did not seem and felt so dramatic. My most recent live experience to a football game was two weeks ago, when Romania had a game with Lichtenstein.
I set my mind differently and I enjoyed it so much more. I had three kids behind me that made my ears vibrate a bit more than usual, but it was fun altogether. I found myself in a more relax state than at my first encounter and possibly more used to some other things.

It is funny to witness me and my sister during a football game. I ask a lot of questions so I can understand, and Alice is the expert in translating what is happening on the field and trying to make me understand all the rules and so on. I admire the way she holds on to her passion. It is a strong feeling of loyalty towards what she loves but also a certain intensity in the way she is living those moments. She is the person that will scream of joy or share a tear when her favourite team/star wins or losses. You got to love it.
Last night we went with couple of friends to a pub near home to watch the second game Romania had at Euro 2024 with Belgium.
It was a first for me in the idea that I was really excited to go and watch it. For the experience and because our team is at Euro 2024. I did not expect to have such a good time. Again, I am not the biggest football fan, but I realised that there lies beauty in being part of something collective that wishes for the same thing: A victory. There is power and unity.
Different people, from different backgrounds getting altogether in sync with the emotions, the ups and downs, the joy or disappointment of the game. Being there in the moment and connect to that big energy. It is very similar to my world.
From another point of view, each sport brings different challenges and different ways the athletes are coping with. So, while watching games like these, my mind sometimes goes to: “I know how we do it, but how do they do it?” In terms of preparations, mindset, pressure, training etc. As dancers and athletes, we work with our bodies. Until we “niche” our directions, we must follow respect universal laws of the body. Therefore, a football game or generally a sports game can prove to be very inspiring.
Going back to last night I don’t know when the time passed but I laughed, I cheered the team, and I lived each moment fully. I met a new part of my own self! I love it!
Generally, people go to events like these, surrounded by family and/or friends. Sharing them together is creating everlasting memories and bonds. I find that to be so precious!
I was surrounded by good friends and my sister, which made the whole evening even more special. It also made me think if we had such a nice vibe in the pub how did it feel to be on there on the stadium?
I remember observing myself at some point with the following thought: if someone would have told me one year ago that I would enjoy so much watching a football game, most probably I would have laughed and walked away.
As an ending note,
It is funny how in our evolution process we change. Or better say we add more colours in our lives.
It is cliché and yet the “never say never” saying it’s a good one!
Sometimes, exploring and experiencing something new, getting to places where you wouldn’t normally go can prove to be healthy, fun and inspiring!

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